Where Do the Baby Boomers Live Where Did the Baby Boomers Miagrate

(May 2008) Infant boomers, many on the cusp of retirement, are moving out of densely populated states in favor of less populated areas, according to new information from the U.S. Demography Agency.

In 2007, at that place were approximately 78 million babe boomers—people built-in between 1946 and 1964—in the U.s.a.. The oldest of the baby boomers turned 62 in Jan, and many have started to exit the labor force. Federal, state, and local policymakers are paying attending because of the potential bear on of aging boomers on the U.S. economy, wellness care, and families. However, the impact of the baby-boom burl volition vary from state to land, and depends in part on migration patterns of boomers as they accomplish retirement age.

Since 2000, the oldest baby boomers—those closest to retirement age—have moved into several fast-growing states, including Arizona, Florida, Idaho, and Nevada (see Effigy 1). Boomers are likewise moving into North and South Carolina, Delaware, Georgia, Montana, Oregon, South Dakota, and Utah.

Figure one
Per centum Change in the Oldest Baby-Boom Accomplice, 2000-2007 *

*Oldest baby boomers were those ages 50 to 54 in 2000 and 57 to 61 in 2007. Moderate growth refers to a 0 percent to iv.9 per centum increase. Rapid growth refers to a v pct or greater increase.
Source: U.Due south. Census Agency.

Researchers take found that many older people, equally they reach retirement age, prefer to alive in areas with lower housing costs, less traffic, and more natural amenities.i These residential preferences in old age may explain the population gains in the Mountain W, and the corresponding declines in several states in the highly urbanized Mid-Atlantic and Northeast corridor, including Connecticut, Maryland, and New Jersey (a nine percentage decrease for each); New York and Massachusetts (an eight per centum subtract each); Rhode Island (a 7 per centum drop); and Virginia (a 6 percentage drib).ii The District of Columbia and Louisiana had the biggest declines in older boomers since 2000 (11 percent each).

Fast Growth Among Asian Americans and Latinos

Latinos were the fastest-growing minority group between 2000 and 2007, but Asian Americans were not far behind, according to the new demography estimates (see Figure ii).The Latino population increased by 28 percent since 2000, compared with a 25 percent increase amid Asian Americans. Overall, minorities have accounted for 83 percent of the U.South. population proceeds during the decade.

Figure ii
Per centum Increase in U.Southward. Population past Race/Ethnicity, 2000-2007

Source: U.S. Census Bureau.

Since 2000, the Asian population has grown faster than the Latino population in 14 states and D.C. (see Figure three). Many of the states with rapid Asian growth accept sizable Latino populations, such equally Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas forth the Mexico border. In general, states with smaller Asian American populations in 2000 have experienced bigger relative gains during the decade.

Figure 3
Asian vs. Hispanic Population Growth, 2000-2007

Source: U.S. Demography Bureau.

Although the Asian American population is numerically smaller than the Hispanic and African American populations, this group is of import because of its unique demographic, social, and economic characteristics.

The Asian population has an unusually low dependency ratio. The dependency ratio measures the number of dependents—people ages 65 and older and children under age 18—per 100 people of working age. In 2007, the Asian dependency ratio was 47, meaning that potential workers outnumbered dependents by a ratio of 2:one. The dependency ratios for blacks (lx) and Latinos (65) were considerably higher, meaning that those groups had more youth and elderly potentially in need of economic support. Nationwide, the dependency ratio was 59 in 2007.

The high proportion of working-age Asians is linked to U.S. immigration policy, which has provided entry to a big number of highly skilled immigrants from Asia to attend higher or work in America'south high-tech workforce. In 2006, more than 2 thirds of Asian Americans (67 percent) were born outside of the United States, compared with 40 percentage of the Latino population.3 The Asian dependency ratio is besides kept in cheque by the relatively low fertility rate of Asian American women (around i.ix births per adult female). The total fertility charge per unit for Hispanic women, at two.9 births, is considerably college and contributes to the vastly dissimilar age structures of the ii groups.4

In general, Asian Americans face up fewer economical challenges than other racial and ethnic groups. Asians accept the highest median household income of whatever group ($64,000)—higher than whites, twice every bit high as blacks, and $25,000 higher than Hispanics. Most half of all Asian Americans ages 25 and older are college graduates, compared with just 12 percent of Hispanics. Well-nigh 35 percent of African American children and 28 percentage of Latino children alive in poverty, compared with 12 percentage of Asian children.five

As a group, Asian Americans are at the tiptop of the socioeconomic ladder, only these figures obscure the tremendous diversity within the Asian American community. The ii states with the largest Asian populations in 2007 were California and New York; together, they accounted for 44 percent of the total U.Southward. Asian population. But the Asian populations in those two states are very dissimilar. In New York, Asians are by and large Chinese (39 percent), Indian (26 percentage), and Korean (11 percent). In California, they are predominantly Filipino (25 percent), Chinese (25 percent), and Vietnamese (12 pct). Each Asian American subgroup is unique and faces different economical prospects depending on the circumstances of their historical migration to the U.s. as students, workers, refugees, or asylees.

Marking Mather is associate vice president of domestic programs at the Population Reference Bureau.


  1. David A. Plane, Christopher J. Henrie, and Marc J. Perry, "Migration Up and Down the Urban Hierarchy and Across the Life Grade," PNAS 102, no. 43 (2005): 15313-18.
  2. Peter A. Rogerson and Daejong Kim, "Population Distribution and Redistribution of the Infant-Blast Accomplice in the United States: Recent Trends and Implications," PNAS 102, no. 43 (2005): 15319-24.
  3. Migration Policy Institute assay of information from the 2006 American Community Survey.
  4. U.Due south. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Births: Final Data for 2005," National Vital Statistics Reports 56, no. six (2007).
  5. Population Reference Bureau analysis of the 2006 American Customs Survey.


Source: https://www.prb.org/resources/u-s-baby-boomers-moving-out-minorities-moving-in/#:~:text=Since%202000%2C%20the%20oldest%20baby,%2C%20South%20Dakota%2C%20and%20Utah.

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