Should Continue to Take Propanolol of Habe Hypotension

Avatar n tn Almost 8 years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I've been taking beta blockers ever since. Most of the time even with the beta blockers, my blood pressure and heart rate would run high. 140/90 range with the beta blocker even higher without. Well now, for the past 2 weeks or so, it has been running low. I've been taking less and less of my beta blocker (propranolol) over the past few days, my usual dose is 20 mg twice a day.

Avatar m tn Propranolol have very low effect on the blood pressure, as it contract blood vessels. It has, however, a stronger effect on anxiety-related tachycardia as it slows the symp. nerve system. It also slows HR reaction towards stress. I was evacuating people a couple of hundred meters from a terrorist attack last friday and my HR wasn't above 120 I think.. Metoprolol, atenolol, etc. have a stronger BP reducing effect.

Avatar f tn Side effects of propranolol include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, depression, memory loss, fever, lightheadedness, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, cold extremities, sore throat, and shortness of breath( ref: It is possible that your symptoms are related to the medication you are taking. If it is necessary to discontinue propranolol, its dosage should be reduced gradually over several weeks.

Avatar n tn I bought a blood pressure monitor and sure enought my blood pressure has been spiking. Last night I went to the ER and was all was well until I started dozing off to sleep, blood pressure went up and up. They gave me Adavan and watched me sleep. That did the trick and leveled out my blood pressure. The Dr. said it was not anxiety as I am asleep and it has something to do with my autonomic system and thryoid. Has anyone ever experienced this or high blood pressure with Hypothyroid?

Avatar f tn If any one can help answer my question, I would be so grateful. I have been hospitalized in the ER three times in the past two weeks for bradycardia. All this suddenly started happening in the last two weeks. I start to feel weak, have a seizure, this last time, I fell down on the kitchen floor and hit my head pretty good. I am a 28 yr old female who has been on propranol for almost 4 years. I have a at home blood pressure monitor, that also checks my pulse and I do it religiously.

Avatar f tn I am starting this beta blocker for anxiety and high blood pressure. I am a big girl and my blood pressure is quite high so I'm not worried it will drop too low but am worried about side effects. Any idea what to expect. Shortness of breath terrifies me.

Avatar f tn Treatment with both propranolol and fluvoxamine may result in slower heart rate and low blood pressure. Your doctor may need to adjust the dosage. Otherwise, clonazepam can be taken together with propranolol.

Avatar f tn I've been taking Propranolol for high blood pressure and tachycardia(10mg at 8am, 2pm, and 8pm) for about 18 days now, and four days ago I woke up feeling quite dizzy. Since then it seemed to get better, but now I feel lethargic, dizzy, and generally unwell. Is it my drug? Note: I'm a 15-year-old male.

727090 tn?1268839348 t drink and not over weight. I have been on propranolol 10mg 3xs a day for a history of high heart rate and blood pressure. Since my kids have been on christmas break, we all were staying up real late and staying in bed real late. I noticed that since all the sleeping i was doing, my heart rate has been very low, unless Iv been excercising or cleaning. When sitting my heart rate is 58-62. My blood pressure is pretty normal with this heart rate.

Avatar m tn Fluid and sodium are retained, blood pressure goes up and potassium may drop to dangerously low levels. Excessive intake of liquorice root can cause hypokalemia, a low level of potassium. Symptoms may include feeling tired, leg cramps, weakness, and constipation. It can also increase the risk of an abnormal heart rhythm, and can even cause cardiac arrest. Another well known symptom is the lowering of testosterone levels in males.

10610562 tn?1411418414 So, I am a 29 year old male. 5'7" 130lbs. I was put on propranolol to reduce the heart rate, as well to possible help with my anxiety and panic. This medication worked really well for me. It helped ease my mind, enough to where I felt more comfortable leaving the house and being productive. It completely got rid of my embarrassingly shaky hands. I was so happy. Then, I noticed my asthma was being severely effected.

Avatar f tn LOL I am determined to find the right combination to cure this aggravating condition, and would greatly appreciate any advice!! I stopped the propranolol because it was dropping my blood pressure too low. I recently quit smoking, stopped all caffeine and limit my sugar intake. Thanks for your time and input!!

Avatar n tn I read Sertraline reacts with Propranolol. It makes Propranolol more toxic and can give me low BP and bradycardia. Recently my BP was a bit high (140/90) and pulse rate was 72. Shall I take the psychiatric medicines and how should I schedule the medications without suffering a lot?

Avatar f tn Smoking can lead to increased blood pressure and propranolol can lower blood pressure. If you stop doing something that can raise your blood pressure, it stands to reason that propranolol minus smoking can lead to an even lower blood pressure. That in itself could be a reason to use caution while taking propranolol during smoking cessation.

Avatar f tn I discussed my occasional ED with my psych doc and we both feel it's anxiety related. He recommended propranolol 10mg just before sex. It's a beta-blocker mostly used to lower blood pressure but sometimes used for performance anxiety situations like stage fright, exam taking, job interviews etc. He's used it with other patients experiencing ED. I also do take the beta-blocker pindolol which has kept my BP at 125/70 for years.

Avatar f tn Hello, I recently gave birth to my son 4 weeks ago and during my pregnancy I was put on Propranolol 20mg twice a day to help lower my blood pressure and also because I was having panic attacks that would cause heart palpitations. Now fast forward to now I recently have been having heart palpitations resting, lying down, standing up too fast, sitting down too fast, bending over, you name it I've been been having them consistently throughout the day.

Avatar f tn The anti-biotic is hopefully killing any harmful bacterial infection that I might have that could be contributing to my sweating, exhaustion, lack of pep. Recent lab work has shown that Vitamin D is low, Testosterone low, and Cholesterol low, but acceptable ratios. I am to see a cardiologist in the near future. I have only been seen by a general physician to date. I am 6'4" tall at 250. I am fairly active, but much less this previous winter.

Avatar m tn Hi, Assalamu Alaikum. I'm 20 years old..boy...and i already started to take take high blood pressure medicine everyday as my doctor advised me. I'm taking Propranolol Hydrochloride bp 10 mg 2 times everyday. my ques is, do i have to continue this medicine for lifetime? i am asking this because i'm having some side-effect most sleeplessness , lack of energy , lack of interest in please answer my ques... im seriously depressed with my life.

Avatar f tn I would however, go on to mention that when I took propranolol while pregnant it dropped my blood pressure dangerously low (it can do the same to pulse rate) for someone with a low pulse it should only be used if deemed to be the best possible option for the patient. I had to be hospitalized and my blood pressure brought up and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, so I would speak to my doctor about your concerns regarding using a beta blocker with low pulse rate.

Avatar n tn As Per pubmed The effects of diltiazem hydrochloride, a vasodilator often used to treat hypertension, and beta-blockers (pindolol and propranolol hydrochloride) on lipid metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism were assessed by measuring serum levels of total cholesterol, high-density-lipoproteins (HDL)-cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose in patients taking these drugs for three months.

Avatar n tn It can contribute to increasing your blood pressure despite keeping your heart rate low. There is no medication that will make the use of cocaine less dangerous. I know it is very addictive but you need to get help. Professional help or at least some form of drug rehab is usually necessary if you can't stop. I hope this helps.

Avatar m tn Hi, thats what I think also, the beta blocker still work but only on the blood pressure and no the heart rate. Also 10mg of propranolol is a low dose and should not lower too much the blood pressure. Normally when I take my first dose of 10mg as soon as im awake, 1 hour later I can feel the lowering blood pressure effect and my blood pressure decrease from 130/80 to 110/60...In the past the heart rate was lowered from 100 sit to 60-65...

Avatar f tn I had a baby 11 months ago and nothing was ever mentioned when I had my FBC that anything was wrong but I've been feeling tired and run down lately so dr ran some more bloods and my neutrophils have come back low and low vit D. I have really bad anxiety which I take propranolol for daily and stress levels are so high with work and family and a strained relationship, As far as I've been told everything else in my blood was normal but I'm am so worried it something awful.

Avatar f tn The classification is a beta blocker that slows the heart rate and relax blood vessels that decreases blood pressure and improves blood flow throughout the cardivascular system. Thanks for your question.

Avatar f tn Over a period of three months, my blood pressure read as high (140-150 systolic and 85-92ish diastolic) at each appointment. When I told him I was suffering from a pulse visible in my eye, he prescribed propranolol (3 10mg doses a day, 8am, 2pm, 8pm) for me. That drug didn't reduce my blood pressure effectively enough so I was placed on Lisinopril (10mg once daily at 8am) just last week.


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