what does witchcraft have to do with robberies

"For our struggle is not with mankind and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the earth rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens."

(Ephesians 6:12)

This scripture gives usa a picture of the invisible air that surrounds us, and those spiritual beings who occupy it. From the moment nosotros were born, in that location has been a battle waging for each one of our souls. God has given us a guardian angel to protect and guide us through this life. To atomic number 82 the states on the path towards God and away from the world. Just the devil's primary objective is to steal our souls. Demons were once angels who fell.

"Satan or the devil and the other demons are fallen angels who freely refused to serve God and his plan. Their pick confronting God is definitive. They endeavor to associate man in their revolt against God."

Paragraph 414 of the Catechism of The Cosmic Church states

Considering they were once angels they yet retain the supernatural powers God gave them before they roughshod, and they use them to tempt united states of america towards sin. God limits those powers but even so, they are far more than intelligent than we are. They observe us and are therefore privy to our weaknesses, and they use those flaws to pull united states into sin and tear us away from God. They whisper lies into our minds and do everything in their power to influence us into their way of thinking. They never grow weary, and they will never stop trying to destroy us until we die.

"Many people are drawn into the occult because the world makes it and then bonny and attainable."


It cannot exist denied that in the world today what is good is seen every bit bad, and what is bad is seen every bit good. This sad reality has been accustomed past many people, only it is an epidemic among our youth and young adults. There are a lot of things I could focus on hither but I am going to choose one, which is multi-faceted: the occult or the New Age move. Information technology is presented as a good and has been interwoven into our culture today. Many people are drawn into the occult considering the earth makes it so attractive and attainable.

Information technology has infiltrated fifty-fifty the Catholic Church building. I googled Catholic retreats and what I found shocked me. At that place is a long list of pagan and Eastern religious practices taking place at these centers. They include energy therapies, yoga, labyrinth, mindfulness training, centering prayer, meditation halls, grooming workshops, eco-spirituality and more. These forms of meditation come from not-Christian religions. For example, the Labyrinth comes from Greek mythology, centering prayer comes from Buddhism, and yoga comes from Hinduism. None of these accept anything to practice with Catholicism, notwithstanding they were taught in Catholic retreat centers. Information technology gives the laity searching for God a false sense of security, and opens them up to faux gods and religions that are totally reverse to the Catholic faith. Lay people put their trust in the Church; if these new age behavior are presented to them as acceptable, then they will nearly probable believe and use them. These practices are a mockery of the true faith. They are mixing different gods and religions with Catholicism. It is a charade not only of the true-blue, only also those perpetuating these heresies.

A person does not have to take a workshop or learn centering prayer to achieve peace. Coming to truly know and dearest God in the depths of our hearts isn't learned; information technology is His free gift to all of us. All you have to exercise is pray. Sit quietly in adoration and pray, and yous will be brought to contemplation. That is not something y'all take to learn; it is simply the fruit of consistent prayer earlier our Lord in the Eucharist. Jesus is the one true God, you are non going to notice Him in yoga and meditations based on Eastern religions. These practices are "I" centered not God-centered.

If meditation is placed on anything other than Christ, it may open a door to the demonic. There are also some common new age practices nosotros run into every 24-hour interval that include; dreamcatchers, crystals, horoscopes, star divination, numerology, psychics, tarot cards and I could go on. People practise not know the dangers they put themselves in by participating in these occult practices. The devil uses deception to pull people abroad from God. Ane example is people who article of clothing shiny stones effectually their necks thinking it is going to transmit cosmic free energy into them, thereby spiritually enhancing their lives. That is simply incommunicable, nevertheless people believe it is true so they do it anyway. The devil's deception is working. These things are idols that accept the place of Jesus Christ.

"Yous shall have no other gods earlier me."

(Exodus 20:3)

I read an article about witches who take started gathering across the country to begin a ritualistic attack confronting President Donald Trump. I think information technology is essential to point out that witchcraft is a very real and powerful form of blackness magic. I know this personally considering I was spiritually attacked by witchcraft. I had no idea what was happening to me or why my life was and then out of control. During those years, God taught me so much about the evils that exist in the world and how to defeat them. At first, I didn't believe in witches. So, I understand that there are going to be people who will as well find it hard to believe, merely witches are real. They are people who have called to serve Satan in exchange for worldly favors and supernatural powers that requite them the ability to secretly impairment or control others. Father Garbriele Amorth said, "Just as Christ gave his apostles and their follower'south specific powers for the good of the body and the soul, and so Satan gives specific powers to his followers for the destruction of the body and the soul."An Exorcist Tells His Story Pg. 30. We tin come across then that witchcraft is a much darker form of the occult. It is existent and tin can cause peachy damage and fifty-fifty death to the innocent who are attacked by it.

Anyone using magic is practicing witchcraft. There are different forms of witchcraft and some are more powerful than others. Satanism is the worship of Satan and it is 1 of the most powerful forms of witchcraft. They perform rituals and black masses in mockery of the Catholic Church. There is also Voodoo and Santeria, which are both a mix of Catholicism and African Magic. Once again nosotros meet a mockery of the Catholic organized religion and its practices. Wiccans practice not believe in the devil, they focus on the earth and goddess worship. This doesn't hateful Wicca is any less dangerous, they are however calling on evil spirits to do their bidding whether they acknowledge that or not. Wiccans utilize pentagrams and magic, which you besides observe in Satanism. Father Gabrielle Amorth states that "It is not necessary to get a Satanist in lodge to serve the devil and become ane of his followers. There are many, alas, who practise not officially consecrate themselves to Satan but choose to follow his basic principle, and as a consequence, they place their souls at great risk."An Exorcist Explains The Demonic pg. 34. This argument shows us that all forms of the occult, whether one believes in the devil or not, reject God and have the potential to lead to eternal suffering in hell.

"The devil does non rest, he continually pursues us and if we are not alert then nosotros will be defenseless upward in his trap."


At that place is no way I could cover everything concerning the New Age and the occult movement in one article. But I promise I accept given a good film of the basics. If we make ourselves aware of what is happening in our parishes, in retreat centers, prayer groups and even within our own homes, so that is a great start in protecting ourselves from these dangers.

My personal experience as a victim of witchcraft taught me some very good lessons. If you are uneasy or uncertain about something, and then follow your instincts and do not engage in information technology. People say don't rely on feelings, but I am living proof that you will experience the existence of evil when information technology is around you. Pray and God will guide you as to what to do. Parents pay attention to what your kids are involved in and enquire questions. My son's friends once wanted to use the Ouija lath and he refused considering nosotros had talked about information technology; otherwise, he probably would accept done it. The devil does not rest, he continually pursues united states and if we are not alarm then we will be caught upward in his trap. Nosotros have been given the power to defeat the enemy through the name of our Lord Jesus. As nosotros read in the gospel of Luke: "The 70[-two] returned rejoicing, and said, 'Lord, fifty-fifty the demons are subject field to united states of america because of your name." Luke 10:17


Source: https://www.conquerthedevil.com/new-age-the-occult-and-witchcraft/

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